Verbeter de manier waarop u handelt.
De complete oplossing voor de autogroothandel.
Kopers en verkopers verbinden met live online kavelveilingen.
Wat wij aanbieden
Online trade-to-trade veilingen. Zoals ze zouden moeten verlopen.
Ontgrendel een uitgebreide onlinehandelservaring, van moeiteloos kopen tot naadloos verkopen.

Live online kavelveilingen
Aangepaste OEM-oplossingen
Grondige achtergrondcontroles
Verslagen over de staat van het voertuig
Financiering van dealers
Toonaangevende transportoplossingen
Toegewijde accountmanagers
Dekking na verkoop
Ontgrendel exclusieve toegang tot OEM-handelsvoertuigen.
TradeBid geeft kopers toegang tot hoogwaardige handelsvoertuigen rechtstreeks van wereldwijde OEM-merken.

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“TradeBid allows me to source high quality stock from thecomfort of my desk. Each seller is shown which createsa trust in the buying process. If there is ever an issue theTradeBid team do their utmost to resolve this. Vehiclesare delivered directly to my premises. This has allowed usa consistent supply of high quality stock”.
David Randles
Director, Randles Bros
“TradeBid offers our business the platform and support toimprove the efficiency in the way we purchase vehicles.As an Independent garage we have had to adapt ourbuying habits and found trade bid to be very user friendly.From a personal point of view, the platform has exceededmy expectations in terms of its ease of use and choiceof vehicles throughout Ireland. It has allowed us to handpickselect stock from a wide variety of main franchiseddealers which we wouldn’t have previously had access to.Relationships and customer service are clearly a priorityfor TradeBid and they make every effort to understandour business when purchasing vehicle”.
Ross Arnold
General Manager, Sandyford Motors
Handel met vertrouwen met behulp van TradeBid.
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